What Others Are Saying

"If this is the first video awards show, I can’t wait for the second.  Pure Fun!"
5 star rating
"Thank you Linecity for doing this.  The industry applauds your effort."
5 star rating
"Laughter is always the common denominator.  Bravo Linecity!"
5 star rating
"Truly inspirational!  Thank you Linecity!"
5 star rating

NYC Real Estate Video Awards Show

New York City has always been a fast-moving, competitive space for real estate agents. The last two years have added new unforeseen challenges. But as agents who transverse this vast cityscape each and every day, we push forward. Linecity is here to support that grit and the love for this wonderful profession.

We want to recognize the best and brightest innovators in the industry, agents whose marketing talents and creativity have elevated their level of success and have inspired the entire real estate space.

Linecity takes great pride in being a leader in the NYC real estate community. The reputation of OLR, our parent company, as a trailblazer in the industry, precedes this new journey. As the needs of the community evolve, our company continues to keep pace with continued innovation and synergy with our client base. Our parent company's more than 27 years of industry data collection helped us to create a broker and client-friendly platform that works for you.

Participants from all across New York City submitted some amazing videos, and our panel of judges have chosen winners across 10 categories, including Best Musical Video, Funniest Video, and Best Agent Promotional Video.